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Wakaminenga National Congress 2024 Report

Wakaminenga National Congress 13 and 14 July 2024 held at Takapoto Estate, Karapiro welcomed He Wakaputanga delegates and members of Wakaminenga Maori Government from Tai Tokerau in the north to Christchurch in the south including Wellington, Kapiti, Masterton, New Plymouth, Hastings, Napier, Nuhaka, Ruatoria, Hauraki, Waikato, Ngati Maniapoto, Auckland. We were privileged to hear from special guest speaker from Germany representing Indigenes Volk Germaniten and seven Europeon countries of indigenous tribes with whom Wakaminenga Maori Government recently signed a peace treaty. We thank all those who attended and participated in open forums for both days.

As proclaimed on January 13, 2024 at Rukuhia, Waipa near Hamilton Wakaminenga National Congress, originally formed in 1835, would be gathering within in the southern regions to reform and reactivate this sovereign body into a coherent national governing body originally known as Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatira of the United Tribes/Peoples of Nu Tireni New Zealand in order expand this governance body to the rest of the country as was the original intent of the Northern and Southern Chiefs who declared their sovereignty and independence in 1835. Under this arrangement all New Zealanders are given the opportunity to make our country the great place it was meant to be, where hapu and communities may reform the economic, social and political order and unite as one people to live in peace, be protected and have control of and access to our country’s abundance. To preserve our nation’s sovereignty that is currently under threat from globalist corporations.

Day 1

Tumuaki Prime Minister of Wakaminenga Maori Government (WMG) and member of Wakaminenga National Congress Arikinui Ripekatangi started the day focusing on WMG’s action plan for 2024 and the need to reform and activate the coherent governing body of Wakaminenga National Congress formed in 1835 by the Chiefs of Nu Tireni under He Wakaputanga with the collaboration of British Monarch representative James Busby, Christian Missionary Services Henry Williams and Merchant Guild representative James Clendon. The main points from her presentation are hightlighted below;

  1. That all New Zealanders are entitled to live under the He Wakaputanga jurisdiction that offers them the opportunity to build a free fair and prosperous society, the protection of their human rights and the right to participate fully in the social, economic and political framework of He Wakaputanga. Mānuka Hēnare — He Tohu interview (
  2. Under He Wakaputanga no other sovereign nation was to take New Zealand’s sovereignty, the authority and powers were declared to remain solely with the Chiefs as protectors of our nations sovereignty.
  3. The Chiefs did not cede sovereignty at the signing of the treaty, article 2 of Te Tiriti preserves their sovereign powers over the land and resources within their native jurisdiction being the whole country and any laws enacted by them in accordance with He Wakaputanga.
  4. The treaty was a fraud an attempt to take sovereignty away from New Zealand. As Christopher Finlayson Attorney General, Head of New Zealand law wrote in 2014 when the Waitangi Tribunal decision announced that the Chiefs did not cede sovereignty nor their right to make laws for those living within their sovereign jurisdiction.
  5. The tyranny of WEF Stakeholder Capitalism is overtaking the world to control the environment claiming global warming must be contolled by reducing carbon to net zero a complete falsehood, the contol of humanity through social credit score card compliance, health mandates and puppet governments who implement the globalism programs such as pandemic preparedness and synthetic bioweapons sold as vaccines.
  6. It is imperative that we reform and activate a fully functioning and coherent governing body now, to counter global tyranny that intends to take away our national sovereinty as occurred in 1840. Te Wakaminenga of the United tribes/peoples of Nu Tireni New Zealand known today as Te Wakaminenga National Congress is our only hope to avoid totalitarian globalism.
  7. Click below to download and view the PowerPoint presentation.

The Heritage of New Zealand

The second presentation by WMG’s Head of Council for Transitioning examined the Heritage of New Zealand including He Wakaputanga, the influence of Christian faith and the right for all New Zealanders to reform and revitalise the independent sovereign governance of He Wakaputanga. Click below to access the PowerPoint by Glen MacConnell.

Learning Wisdom for Living

Head of Council Matauranga (Education and Learning) followed with a concept of learning through wisdom, known as “Learning Wisdom for Living”. While He Wakaputanga Minenga communities can choose their own models of education Wakaminenga Maori Government thinks this model moves from a highly regulated top down model we have at present to a model of administrative and advisory role providing for decision making at a community level. Click here to download and view the notice.

International Progress on Indigenous Rights

After lunch, our special envoy guest presenter from the Indigenes Volk Germaniten tribes in Europe formed by seven countries in Europe and who have peace treaties with North and South American tribes as well as Wakaminenga Maori Government gave an informative and interesting presentation on the progress of indigenous rights . Their work is mainly focused on unifying the Europeon indigenous tribes and asserting their sovereignty over and above the German Corporation Government. They are the leading proponents of forming the world’s first authentic United Indigenous Nations (UIN). A very important principle defines who indigenous peoples are meaning all peoples who were born of their land and remain as part of it. We should not think only that indigenous are brown or dark skinned people who live close to the land by way of their cultural traditions but rather indigenous includes all peoples living and working in a modern society that recognise indigenous rights and uphold them, see more here. Indigenous Germanites ( The United Nations passed certain conventions to uphold indigenous rights, rights to their lands, self governance, funding and right to organise the economic, social and political system outlined in the following documents.



Tiaki Hauora Health Protection

Our final presenter for the day was from Head of Tiaki Hauora Health Council and two other health Council members. Tiaki Hauora is an expansion of health concepts that include naturapathy, rongoa maori, allopathic (safe pharmaceuticals and surgical practice) and the latest technological treatments. The emphasis is on upholding individual health sovereignty of freedom of choice and co-opting health practitioners who are ethical in their practice who understand the full concept of Tiaki Hauora. Healing for wellness as opposed to managing sickness, learning through healing – health educators will be available to assist tangata whaiora (health clients) to learn how to take responsibility for their health. Organic food gardens will be established at Tiaki Hauora clinics for clients to access healing foods. Four pilot project clinics are timed to come on stream by end of 2024 to early 2025. Tiaki Hauora is defined as protection of one’s health through proactive therapies and methodologies. Download synopsis below:

Day 2 – Business Conference

Trade and Industry

Wakaminenga Head of Council for Trade and Industry presented to conference the basis on which an alternative trading economy can be established under He Wakaputanga jurisdiction in accordance with article three that Wakaminenga Congress “shall meet regularly” “to to frame laws, dispense justice, keep peace and good order and regulate trade” in Nu Tireni New Zealand.

Trade under the jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga offers an alternative trading system known as” tikanga trade”. If New Zealanders with businesses wish to avoid the chaos of trade during the false pandemic and more predicted to come, preparing an alternative trading market with all its attending tools and support services is essential. The continued cycle of artificially induced high inflation, debt based finanncing on fiat currency not backed by hard assets and disproportionate taxes on ones enterprise and an over regulated trading market that leads to gameing the systen where big monopolies undermine smaller enterprises causing a disadvantage to vibrant SME and Sole Trader enterprises and reduces competition. With AI technological advancement banking is moving to exchange labour and productivity and buying of goods and services through a centralised banking digital currency (CBDC) that will eventually control who and how one recieves income and access to the supply chains and where pandemic compliance will play a big role in who participates in the economy.

All these the above issues are addressed in our proposed alternative trading platform with low regulation but high personal responsiblility. You work out your circustances against the simple guidelines provided, industry size, management style, resources, staff numbers. Includes; Dont Harm People, Environment, Property, Reputations. Don’t Steal: Ideas, Property, Time.

Legal Recourse for claims against your Business

Person must have have a legitimate interest in the alleged wrongdoing,

  1. Parties must attempt to resolve the issues between themselves.
  2. Grand Jury to decide if their is any wrongdoing. if so;
  3. A jury of your peers will meet and decide on whether there is a need for restitution and remedy and what form it will take.
  4. Low cost.
  5. Minimal barriers to entry.
  6. Judges only ensure integrity of process, not outcome.

You will move from compliance permission based (you pay experts to find a way forward) to working out how to do it and being able to do it. Decentralised functions that support the communities a business operates in, controlled at a regional and local level, repurposed public service to provide support not enforce unnecessary laws. Other matters such taxes, rates, levies, business tools and support services are addressed but not for publication in this article due to commercial sensitivites. These will be available when applying for registration on our trade and industry website. It was strongly pointed out the Wakaminenga Maori Government has the right to establish an alternative positive trading market being within the He Wakaputanga jurisdiction. Commercial sensitivites prevent us from distributing the whole presentation at this time.

Tikanga Principles

A presentation covering Te Wakaminenga Tikanga was given by Deputy Prime Minister, of Wakaminenga Maori Government Kurakamaringi. The principles of Tika, Pono and Aroha mean to be correct in all we do, honourable and care and show compassion for your fellow men and women when operating a business for any business registered with Wakaminenga Maori Government. Therefore it’s less regulation but a high level of personal responsibility to trade with these principles in mind also when dealing with staff, customers and suppliers and support agencies. These terms will be disclosed in the business application form for companies or sole traders registration soon to be online as a sub-website to our main website.


4 thoughts on “Wakaminenga National Congress 2024 Report”

  1. All this sounds really good. Thank you.
    What are the next steps please?
    I heard the WHO passed their health agenda without voting a few days ago
    Kind regards
    Linda Sands

    1. Hi Linda & welcome

      If you are logged into our site you’ll notice the header has an Information & Resources tab.
      Under that you’ll find Local Minenga groups. Getting involved in yours or starting one is the next best step.

      As we work in a decentralized system being prepared, informed and connected is your best response to any pandemic action.

  2. Since the download only provides one page of notice, can you provide more details about “Learning Wisdom for living”?

    Raising $10 a week is not an option for non-profit government of the people, by the people, for the people. A real government creates its own fiat currency to pay civil servants (the staff) to serve the people, which is then used and stored by the people without any risk of loss. Government revenue is tax revenue. This is the end of fiat currency’s energy-draining journey.

    Static Commodity money versus portable fiat currency
    Farmers do not ask for money or donations in order to produce static products for sale. How do we understand the Wakamininga Māori Government of the Southern Tribes? Will it generate and deliver a good and honest product (fiat currency) to breathe life into the static commodity money in the market? If it cannot be sold, the economy will stagnate and people will lose confidence in this Wakamininga Maori government!

    Shared governance during the peaceful transition period must commence immediately as Prime Minister Ardern admits they have no legal right to operate in New Zealand, they will exit in 2040, and other comments will be presented to the interest parties of the northern and southern tribes,

  3. Hi Tin
    Thank you for your comments

    WMG operates with a decentralized system whereby the 4 rohe, regions are a collaborating network of self governing regions.
    We are not looking to replicate what we currently see which which means small government high self responsibility.
    As stated above, our proposed alternative trading platform Tikanga Trade, will operate with low regulation but high personal responsibility.
    Governments create law that facilitates currency but that does not have to be fiat currency.

    Think not what WMG can do for us but what we can support or region with.
    The Southern Tribes are already working with the body of Congress and have active minenga and representation throughout the North and South Island.

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