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Sovereign Independent Court of Justice – ‘Kooti Wakanga’ Established

On Saturday 17 June 2023 an historic event took place in New Zealand. A dedicated team of men and women have opened the first sovereign independent Grand Jury Court of justice, Te Wakaminenga Kooti Wakanga nui of Nu Tireni – New Zealand. The Court will deal with civil and criminal claims for all Sovereign Nationals of Nu Tireni NZ who register with the Wakaminenga Maori Government under the jurisdiction of Tikanga and He Wakaputanga.

The first case has been brought by the members of the Wakaminenga Maori Government on behalf of all the people of New Zealand. The case deals with alleged breaches of the sovereign law of He Wakaputanga and crimes of genocide and against humanity.

Senior officials of the Wakaminenga Maori Government witnessed their Leader Upoko Arikinui Ripekatangi of Ngati Maniapoto, Tainui and Ngati Kahu Taitokerau and Deputy Leader Upoko Tuarua Arikinui Kurakamaringi of Te Uepohatu of Te Tairawhiti and Rangatira o Aotearoa Nu Tireni NZ open and bless the Court with ancestral whakatauaki (proverbs), karakia (prayers) and waiata (song).

Rangatira present acknowledged the aroha of their Pakeha brothers and sisters of English and European ancestry. They have united under the supreme, sovereign authority of the constitutional law of Tikanga and He Wakaputanga 1835, and Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga of the Congress of Nga Hapu Iwi of the United Tribes and Peoples of New Zealand.

Te Wakaminenga Kooti Wakanga Grand Jury Court has been many years in planning and is now open for all New Zealanders who register with the Maori Government under sovereign Tikanga customary law and He Wakaputanga the Declaration of Independence 1835. The Kooti Wakanga Grand Jury Court is convened under the supervision of the Kooti (Court) Presidency made up of the President of the Court and two deputies and a Court Moderator. These officials conducted the swearing in of a panel of Grand Jurists to commence the first stage of the case dealing with allegations of breaches of He Wakaputanga and crimes of genocide against the people of New Zealand.

Inauguration of the Grand Jury follows extensive talks between Arikinui Ripekatangi and a renowned group of international constitutional lawyers. Their expert legal opinion is that the Maori never ceded sovereignty and retained absolute authority under their ancient Tikanga customary law and the internationally recognised Declaration of Independence He Wakaputanga 1835. This legal opinion confirms the findings of the Te Raki Inquiry under Justice Coxhead published in 2014 and 2022. It fully substantiates the publicly stated position of the Government of the Russian Federation that the Treaty of Waitangi was never ratified by the British contained within a briefing on 7th June 2023 by Maria Zakharova Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Grand Jury are being presented with the results of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the Court and will determine if it merits a decision to indict the putative defendants and progress to trial by jury or tribunal.

We give thanks to our Creator and acknowledge His divine love and compassion on this kaupapa nui (grand plan) for justice, restoration and peace in our country.

All press enquiries should be sent to the Director of the Press Office of the Wakaminenga Maori Government

37 thoughts on “Sovereign Independent Court of Justice – ‘Kooti Wakanga’ Established”

  1. Nga mihi hoki ki a koutou na!
    Nga mihi nunui e whai rawa nei e koutou te manatika i nga he, harahara me te tukino a kaikaupehi
    a, me te kaikaikiri patu iho me te kohuru i o tatau matau tupuna-maatua me o ratau pumanawa, taonga, mana me te motuhake ano na o roto. A me te rangatiratanga!
    Ka nui ra hoki te mihi atu!

    1. Kei te mihi e Te Rangatira Kaia Matiaha. Mihi mahana ki a koe tou aroha me tou tautoko. We welcome your greetings of love and support. We are bringing He Wakaputanga to our whole country to achieve the best wishes of our Chief’s to unite as one people, Maori and Pakeha and all who come to our shores to settle. It was theirs and their King William’s wish that we live together united in peace and good order. To experience and benefit from the abundance of our country and be protected under He Wakaputanga – our Declaration of Independence for all.

      1. So awesome to read, Jorgi Job and team. God bless your work and give us all the strength to see this fight through to the end. A landmark case.
        God bless you richly.
        Much aroha

        1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

          Tena koe Helena

          Apologies for the late reply, thank you for your acknowledgemet and support.

      2. Tena te mihi nui Georgi. Pai ki te kite ou mahi whakahirahira ta
        matou te Iwi Maori me a matou whaanau hoki. Ka heke ki runa he moemoea a nga tatou katoa. Mauri tu! Mauri Ora! georgi.
        He tino rawe rawa atu tou mahi.

        1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

          Tena koe Anahera
          Arohomai forthis late reply, thank you for your tautoko, much appreciated.

      3. How do you intend on enforcing this to ensure that these people are arrested prison time is lenient a war crime is death by hanging

        1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

          Tena koe Deborah
          The purpose of the the process was to demonstrate the authority of He Wakaputanga to provide a competant jurisdiction in which to bring a prosecution. Enforcing the sentencing is a matter of time. Arrest warrants are still to be issued.

  2. Well I sincerely hope that this court brings in death sentence for all 120 politicians currently serving in NZ parliament.
    All betrayed NZ population. Thank you.

    1. It’s guaranteed in He Wakaputanga, until such time as a unified agreement and approval is given by Te Wakaminenga, the confederation of chiefs, to cede their sovereignty. Until then Tikanga rules, no matter what the interference. As has been proven in the Waitangi tribunal findings sovereignty was never ceded, and I can’t imagine a world were Maori as a whole choose any other Lore over tikanga, despite many people in general giving in to the temptation of money and power to work within the alternative system. So until they can prove sovereignty has been ceded, tikanga rules, and that is what this judicial process is built on. Please note this is my own personal perspective, not WMG or any others. Kia Ora.

      1. The silent robbing of sovereignty has happened – it was never a fact, but an inconvenience for those thinking they ruled irrespective.
        This mindset remains and will only be fully reversed in earth-time with the weight of numbers. The Family of Aotearoa New Zealand says distinctly enough.
        This will happen when enough people have their vested interests disturbed.
        Until that happens, we all have a job to do to prepare the platforms – working as a family.

    2. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Kia ora Peter
      Apologies for this late reply. Protection of independence is guaranteed under He Wakaputanga, however we must stand as a critical mass to claim itand step outside of the current system to build the He Wakaputanga jurisdictional society. Hence our goals are twofold to build the alternative society and to expose the NZ government via our new sovereign Court for their criminal acts and to make them accountable. In making them the NZ politicians and bureacrats accountable NZrs have to ask themselves do I still want this system of criminality ruling in NZ

  3. Aotea M Toko-Pihema

    Kua oti I a koe te Haerenga I whakatakotoria ki Devonport ka hoki mai ana ki nga kaupapa katoa e Pai ana ki Nga Tikan.
    ga Kawa I whakatakotoria e o tatou tupuna mo tatou katoa. A na reira mihi nunui I a Ki tou katoa na te whanau o Maniapoto ki te Ture Kooti Maori o He Whakaputanga me Te Wakaminenga O Nu Tirini .
    Nga mihinui kia koutou Katoa.

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Arohamai taku whakahoki tureiti Mihi ana ki koe e te whanaunga mo tou tautoko me aroha, ki a koe hoki.

  4. I guess most of the people in the world know how corrupted and compromised states are and how they limit personal freedom and the right of self-determination! That´s why I think the only way is indigenitey! I hope that Tikanga and the Maori court can be a solution for us all in some way. As well as their indigenous way of life and the preserving of their traditions has to be an example for the rest of us!
    All the best to you and keep going!
    turou hawaiki

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Kia ora Tobias

      Apologies for this late reply, thank you for you support, it is very much apprecaited.

  5. God bless all of you for all you do to protect all New Zealanders rights to freedom of choice, freedom of speech and to living in peace and harmony! It should be this way. The land of milk and honey. Amen

    1. I’m so proud to be part of this great stand for our freedom. I joined the Wakaminenga Government last year in it’s infancy and it’s been wonderful to see how far our sovereign government has come. We are one nation, which is what God always intended us to be… Not separated by race because of this illegal government’s lies and manipulation. God bless you all and God bless our sovereign nation. Keep going!

    2. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Tena koe Tracy

      Apologies for this late reply, however thank you for your aroha and support.

  6. Congratulations Team for holding the fort for so long. We were played by this corrupt law makers in believing New Zealand doesnt have its Sovereignty. It never was taken off the people. They try and silence the peoples voice for standing up for their Sovereign Rights and Freedom in protest of the corrupt governments harm to the people of New Zealand.
    Be prepared as the International Criminal Court have endorsed this/our Independent Nu Tireni Court as one of the few or only Court so far that fits the ICC process due to how this Court was setup.
    Well done and lets get this Court work for the people of New Zealand and bring those that caused harm, death or stolen land from the rightful landowners to justice..

    Watch out for those foreigner agencies and so called lawmakers interferring and discrediting this Court system..

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