Te Kitenga, The Vision, governance of the people by the people for the people – founded on He Wakaputanga. A free, prosperous and responsible nation.
Te Wakaminenga, Nga Hapu and Peoples of Nu Tireni
Wakaminenga Maori Government
Nau mai, Haere mai! Welcome!

This is the official website of Wakaminenga Maori Government. We invite all people of the world to join us under the indigenous Maori Jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835.
If you are new to Wakaminenga and want to enrol into the jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga – Please Start Here, otherwise you can login now.
Nga Pou e Whitu – 7 Principles of Te Wakaminenga Maori Government
Hover over the icons for the meaning of each principle





Mana Whakahaere


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Te Wakaminenga Māori Government relies on volunteers and donations to carry out the mission of bringing the promise of He Wakaputanga to the world. Please consider donating using the form below, or by creating a recurring membership here. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your successful donation.