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Te Wakaminenga, Nga Hapu and Peoples of Nu Tireni

Wakaminenga Maori Government

Nau mai, Haere mai! Welcome!

United Tribes Flag 1834

This is the official website of Wakaminenga Maori Government. We invite all people of the world to join us under the indigenous Maori Jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835.

If you are new to Wakaminenga and want to enrol into the jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga – Please Start Here, otherwise you can login now.

Nga Pou e Whitu – 7 Principles of Te Wakaminenga Maori Government

Hover over the icons for the meaning of each principle

Nationhood to be united as one peoples,  working together in harmony in the interest and well being of our nation, coming together in times of national need such as disasters, showing a collective loyalty.


Whanau, family, kinship ties, hapu, tribe, waka, pah, marae hapu, village, town, maunga, mountain, keeping in contact with whanau, tatai hono - to uphold our bonds of kinship.


A concept of caring for others, helping friends and loved ones, being a good host to visitors, showing aroha and  hospitality, taking care of those in need, responding to the needs of our elders, looking out for our rangatahi, young ones.


People today are thought of as being kaitiaki, however in ancient times and not so long ago kaitiaki were symbolised in creation entities, such as animals, birds, pet eels, geographical land marks such as mountains, rivers, seas, forests, a tree and of course our kaitiaki in the spiritual realm.


Working with authority  and mana within our decision making and within our jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga and our governance of Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga, the Alliance of the National Congress of Nu Tireni New Zealand.

Mana Whakahaere

We are born Rangatira with skills and talents to develop to be the best that we can, demonstrate  ethical leadership, uphold our mana,  and rangatiratanga to be empowered with confidence and self determination. Upholding our constitution of  He Wakaputanga and sovereign powers and authority over our territories of Nu Tireni New Zealand, to protect the freedoms and human rights for All.


The layers of our history  through – our  children,  parents, grand parents, ancestors and  future generations.


The re-emergence of Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu o Nu Tireni

Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu or Peoples of Nu Tireni has recently re-emerged as an organised body known as Te Wakaminenga National Congress to reinstate the de jure constitutional governance of Nu Tireni New Zealand. Since 1835 the Chiefs of New Zealand declared and affirmed their independence and authority over all the territories of New Zealand via He Wakaputanga, the Declaration of Independence. The signing of Te Tiriti, the Treaty 1840 unlawfully disrupted their absolute powers that forced an unlawful cession of their sovereignty that was passed to the British Crown and then to the New Zealand Crown. Many injustices have affected the native Maori Peoples under these regimes. Over the years they have turned to the Declaration of Independence with the view to address the injustices and provide shelter in the form of the native Maori jurisdiction. Wakaminenga Maori Government is the administrating arm of Te Wakaminenga National Congress and has been tasked with reinstating our de jure unextinguished constitutional jurisdiction and opens it’s arms and welcomes all people to immigrate to this jurisdiction and grow together in a fairer, self-governing Nu Tireni.

We call for a resurgence as dark forces surround all people due to the implementation of globalist plans from the unlawful NZ Government and beyond. We seek to extend our work throughout the land to eliminate the roots of poverty and hardship, while opening doors for everyone to pursue protection, progress and prosperity, aiming for a brighter tomorrow under our constitution of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni, the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand.

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Latest News

Tikanga Trade Alternative Trading Platform Launched under Sovereign law of He Wakaputanga

Firstly, nga mihi mo te Raumati whanau huinga hari me Te Tau Hou 2025, Season’s Greetings to All happy family gatherings and a happy New Year for 2025. In November 2024, the Wakaminenga Maori Government launched an alternative trading platform that enables members to buy and sell from other members and businesses who have also… Read More »Home

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Wakaminenga National Congress New Year Program, Waitangi

29 January – 1st February 2025. Wakakoi (Carkoi ) will commence from Wellington to Waitangi, arriving around 31st or 1st to Tou Rangatira next door to Te Tii Marae, lower Waitangi grounds. A program of hui are arranged from 1 – 6 February. As this is still a work in progress, we will provide more… Read More »Home

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We thank all our members who continue to support the work of the Wakaminenga Maori Government to bring a free, prosperous, responsible and protective society to Aotearoa, Nu Tireni New Zealand promised in our constitution of He Wakaputanga. While we continue seek funding not associated with the UN or the Federal Reserve of America that… Read More »Home

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Jubilee Summer School

If you are interested in supporting our Christian traditions that have been under attack from the globalists, Wakaminenga Maori Government recommends this program, lead by Selwyn Stevens PHD and founder of Jubilee Ministries. He is widely published and has written many publications to prepare Christians for Christ’s return. Events | Jubilee Resources In Auckland:Fri. 10th… Read M…

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NZTSOS AND NZDSOS lose in NZ Government Court of Appeal, Dismissed in Supreme Court

Health Sovereignty Founded on He Wakaputanga The rejection of appeals brought on behalf of teachers and health practioners by the high court, court of appeal and supreme courts of NZ upholds that vaccine mandates can be enforced has plunged both professions into a state of hopelessness, (see link attached above.) Such a decision is&h…

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I’ve been following so many groups and trying to help where-ever I can, holding signs on the street, spreading the word of the jab dangers, making noise, but it wasn’t until I found out about Wakaminenga and He Wakaputanga that I really felt we had a chance to save not just Aotearoa, but the whole world!


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I’ll spread the word, for everybody’s FREEDOM and RIGHT to SELF DETERMINATION whether they realise what is happening or not. Thanks to WMG and all the volunteers, we actually have a solid platform to launch the comeback of common sense and personal sovereignty. Tena koe WMG! ID cards are awesome thank you.


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Keep up the good work! So happy to have a found WMG and feel hopeful for the future of Aotearoa! Kia Kaha!



Challenging the ‘NZ Crown’ and need our help? Initial consultation free.