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Te Kitenga, The Vision, governance of the people by the people for the people founded on He Wakaputanga, a free and responsible nation.

Te Wakaminenga, Nga Hapu and Peoples of Nu Tireni

Wakaminenga Maori Government

Nau mai, Haere mai! Welcome!

This is the official website of Wakaminenga Maori Government. We invite all people of the world to join us under the native maori Jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835.

You can close this pop-up and look around and learn more, or you can register/login below.

Existing members not yet registered on our new website please complete this form and we will upgrade your account here.

If you are new to Wakaminenga and want to enrol into the jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga – Please Start Here

Ngā mihi.


Nga Pou e Whitu, 7 Principles of

Te Wakaminenga Maori Government


Nationhood to be united as one peoples, working together in harmony in the interest and well being of our nation, coming together in times of national need such as disasters. Showing loyalty to our country, a collective responsibility for all


Whanau, family, kinship ties, hapu, tribe, waka, pah, marae hapu, village, town, maunga, mountain, keeping in contact with whanau, tatai hono – to uphold our bonds of kinship.


A concept of caring for others, helping friends and loved ones, being a good host to visitors, showing aroha and hospitality, taking care of those in need, responding to the needs of our elders, looking out for our rangatahi, young ones.


There are spiritual beings, kaitiaki (guardians) over the natural environment such as, Rongo, Tangaroa, Tawhirimatea, Ruaumoko, Tane, Tu Matauenga are some of the well known kaitiaki, we remember we are in their realms and respect and care for the environment, our taonga and the wairua (spirituality).

Mana Whakahaere

Working with authority and mana within our decision making and within our jurisdictiion of He Wakaputanga and our governance of Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga, the Alliance of the National Congress of Nu Tireni New Zealand.


We are born Rangatira with skills and talents to develop to be the best that we can, demonstrate ethical leadership, uphold our mana, and rangatiratanga to be empowered with confidence and self determination. Upholding our constitution of He Wakaputanga and sovereign powers and authority over our territories of Nu Tireni New Zealand, to protect the freedoms and human rights for All.


The layers of our history through – our children, parents, grand parents, ancestors and future generations.

The re-emergence of Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu o Nu Tireni

Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu or Peoples of Nu Tireni has recently re-emerged as an organised body known as Te Wakaminenga National Congress to reinstate the dejure constitutional governance of Nu Tireni New Zealand. Since 1835 the Chiefs of New Zealand declared and affirmed their independence and authority over all the territories of New Zealand via He Wakaputanga, the Declaration of Independence. The signing of Te Tiriti, the Treaty 1840 unlawfully disrupted their absolute powers that forced an unlawful cession of their sovereignty that was passed to the British Crown and then to the New Zealand Crown. Many injustices have affected the native Maori Peoples under these regimes. Over the years they have turned to the Declaration of Indepenence with the view to address the injustices and provide shelter in the form of the native Maori jurisdiction. Wakaminenga Maori Government is the administrating arm of Te Wakaminenga National Congress and has been tasked with reinstating our dejure unextinguished constitutional jurisdiction and opens it’s arms and welcomes all people to immigrate to this jurisdiction and grow together in a fairer, self-governing Nu Tireni.

At this moment, the occasion calls for a resurgence as pressures surround our tangata whenua (native peoples) and all peoples of our land due to the implementation of globalist plans originating from the NZ Crown and beyond, spanning the entire globe. Wakaminenga Maori Government extends its reach throughout the land to eliminate the roots of poverty and various impedances, while opening doors for everyone to pursue protection, progress and prosperity, aiming for a brighter tomorrow under our constitution of He Wakaputanga Declaration of Independence.

Can you help us? Just $10 per week will do, bank direct

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Te Wakaminenga Māori Government relies on volunteers and donations to carry out the mission of bringing the promise of He Wakaputanga to the world. Please consider donating using the form below, or by creating a recurring membership here. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your successful donation

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Latest News

Wakaminenga National Congress Gathering 13 and 14 July 2024.

Leaders Summit 13 July Invitations were sent in May to He Wakaputanga rangatira and leaders to gather from all parts of the country for the Wakaminenga National Congress. The purpose is to seek their support and commitment to revitalise and reinvigorate the original constitutional governance arrangements for New Zealand that were declared in 1835 under… Read More »Home

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Judicial Proceedings

The Wakaminenga Maori Government Supreme Te Kooti Wakanga Court of Justice recently set in motion proceedings for the second phase of prosecutions for intent to commit crimes against New Zealanders during the height of the Covid 19 manufactured pandemic. All details and individuals that the prosecutions are directed at remain suppressed at this stage. An… Read More »Home

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Peace Treaty Signed Between Wakaminenga Maori Government and ‘Indigenes Volk Germaniten’

We celebrate the signing of our first peace treaty signed with the indigenous tribes of Germany known as Indigenes Volk Germaniten, the original indigenous authority prior to the German Government Corporation. This will enable Wakaminenga Maori Government (WMG) to form an alliance with Indigenes Volk Germaniten and seven other indigenous nations in Europe, North and… Read More »H…

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He Wakaputanga 1835 Wakaminenga Governance Decentralised Systems

Government of the People – by the People – for All the People When internationally recognised He Wakaputanga Declaration of Independence (DOI) was constituted in 1835, a governance system was also established that recognised that tribes, communities had their own independent forms of governance over their territorial areas. It was the first form of settled… Read More &raquo…

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I’ve been following so many groups and trying to help where-ever I can, holding signs on the street, spreading the word of the jab dangers, making noise, but it wasn’t until I found out about Wakaminenga and He Wakaputanga that I really felt we had a chance to save not just Aotearoa, but the whole world!


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I’ll spread the word, for everybody’s FREEDOM and RIGHT to SELF DETERMINATION whether they realise what is happening or not. Thanks to WMG and all the volunteers, we actually have a solid platform to launch the comeback of common sense and personal sovereignty. Tena koe WMG! ID cards are awesome thank you.


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Keep up the good work! So happy to have a found WMG and feel hopeful for the future of Aotearoa! Kia Kaha!



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