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Enrol to become Tangata Wakaminenga

If you are already an enrolled Tangata, please fill in this form instead of re-enroling.


Before Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 was signed, Māori had their own government – Te Wakaminenga – an enduring governance structure which remains in place today. The Māori Government is the administrative body for National Te Wakaminenga. Each area, or rohe, have their own Wakaminenga (confederation or general assembly of tribes) which meet to make decisions and frame laws according to the National Constitution, He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (known in English as the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand). 


The aim of the National Wakaminenga is to foster an inclusive community made up of local communities, where the individual communities values are shared, and collective prosperity is pursued. We warmly welcome and encourage individuals from all walks of life to embrace our cultural heritage and contribute to the rich tapestry of our vibrant society. Together, let us forge a future of harmony and progress, honouring the principles of tikanga, upon which our constitution was founded. We recommend that you find other Sovereigns by joining or starting a local Wakaminenga. To help with this, we have a page for social groups on Telegram and Signal that might be helpful finding more about your local wakaminenga (visible only to enrolled Tangata). If there isn’t one in your area, it will be up to you to organise, build and manage one, we are here to provide you with the resources you will need.


Te Wakaminenga o nga hapu o nga tino rangatira o Nu Tireni cordially extend an invitation to all individuals from all locations to unite with us in order to reside and flourish under the governance of our Native Maori jurisdiction of Aotearoa, Nu Tireni – New Zealand.

What is required?

In order to show your dedication to this noble cause and exhibit your genuine intentions, we require you to read and accept our Oati, a pledge to the Divine, which covers the 6 fundamental Tikanga pillars. These are Mauri Ora – Life’s Essence, Ratonga/Service, Pononga/Truth, Kaitiakitanga/Guardianship, Whanaungatanga/Family Relations, Manaakitanga/Hospitality and Caring. We urge you to recite the Oati/Pledge aloud to a good friend or family member, be it in a face-to-face encounter or over the phone. This act not only solidifies your authenticity but also establishes a sense of responsibility and accountability to the kaupapa (cause). Te Wakaminenga Maori Government also has volunteers who would love to guide you through this, you can let us know the preferred date and time on our request form below the Oati sample on this page.

We do also require proof of identity and some other details when you apply, this is to ensure we can later validate you as someone who has fully immigrated to the Native Maori Jurisdiction, as permitted in He Wakaputanga 1835. This is likely going to become extremely important in our country and should not be taken lightly. You will need an image of an acceptable form of photo identification eg; passport or drivers licence, and a current passport style profile photo. If you are also enrolling your tamariki (children), please have their profile photos ready to upload. Please ensure all details are correct before submitting your application to ensure your approval process is unimpeded. These details will also be used for your National Sovereign Identification Card.

Only new members/not yet enrolled will be able to view the enrolment application form