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Update for Judicial Proceedings

Tena koutou katoa Members,

I wish to apologise for the delay in getting this report out to members – we have been rather busy. This is a report of the first trial held under the sovereign jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga in modern times.

The court case COJ -07 -23 -001 for four high ranking NZ government officials has now concluded.  In our capacity as the sovereign peoples under He Wakaputanga, Wakaminenga Maori Government, Te Kooti Wakanga Court of Justice – held the trial on 27 August, 2023.   The trial took place online with an appointed jury, the Prosecutor and members of the Presidency of the Court who monitor and manage court procedures.  The defendants did not make an appearance.  A proxy representative was appointed by the Presidency of the Court to represent the defendants. After the presentation of the evidence by the Prosecutor the jury retired to consider the evidence and charges.

The jury returned after two hours of deliberations with the judgement.  All four of  the NZ government officials were found guilty of breaches of He Wakaputanga and committing Covid 19 crimes in their response to the Covid 19 Pandemic in the period from 2020- 2023.

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23 thoughts on “Update for Judicial Proceedings”

  1. Nga mihi nui, for all your mahi you are doing for the protection health if all New Zealanders.
    Heavenly Fathers blessings upon you all.
    Mihi Rigby

  2. Hooray!!! Brilliant job well done WMG.. Thankyou for justice against the injustices done on our ancient lands by this foreign entity the NZ government 🥳♥️

  3. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

    Thank you all for your supportive comments on the judicial proceedings update. This is a process that is continuing to unfold as we utilise He Wakaputanga to bring justice and accountability for the Covid 19 abomination. We honour our ancestors both Maori and Pakeha who had the foresight to establish a solid foundation of law to protect our rights of freedom and independence from those who have sought to take it from us. kia kaha, kia toa, maia, kia manawanui.

  4. Thank you for bringing law and order back to our whenua. It has been missing for a long time. One step at the time Onwards and Upwards
    Ngā mihi maioha

  5. Dear Voices
    From your positions of authority
    May we be held by you, together.
    May we rise with our country in light amidst the moving shadows of our past years.
    To feel the light with all its might is our right. I am both humbled and honoured to give you thanks for your knowledge, your mahi.
    Your precious Time and Wisdom, bring (me)/all rising hope, for the coming days ahead.
    Thanks to the allmighty in our leavening of Soulfilled Spiritual life of our Land and all its Being.

  6. Well done let’s keep it going and let them know we are over the lies and deception that is plaguing our country from these government officials and not just Labour all of the so called parties that are apart of this corruption. They all need to be removed and exposed for theses crimes against humanity.

  7. I’m amazed and impressed by your mana and your Kaha, Tumeke alright you give us hope.Thank you all . Appreciate you all.So happy and so proud of you all xx

  8. Peter-richard Prescott.

    Great work and well overdue. However, what concerns me is how you will enforce your findings, any international jurisdiction like the international criminal court for example would take years. The Privy Council don’t want to know us since the creation of our supreme Court. This is why they didn’t turn up for the hearing, they believe that you have no teeth, if you do please share with us. Keep up the good work.

  9. Gayleen 0210529388

    Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for all peoples of our nation!. Gratitude & Blessings🩵

  10. Can these people be bought to account for their crimes ? The same level of criminality has been actioned here in the UK and across the World

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Peter Finnie – the judicial process has followed a lawful process under He Wakaputanga supreme sovereign law up to and including sentencing. A criical mass of New Zealanders must stand support this decision for it to have effect. We have shown that He Wakaputanga is a competent sovereign jurisdiction with authority and power over and above the NZ parliment.

  11. Ripekatangi Georgina Job and her team are phenomenal. They work tirelessly to effect change, secure justice and freedom for all, and hold those who commit crimes against the people of this country to account. It is time that the nation affiliate to the real leaders.

  12. Kia ora WMG & Whanau i have a question regarding the formation of BRICS intergovernmental member nations organization & wanting to know your guys opinions of us joining as Whakaputanga o Nu Tireni Aotearoa as a member nation because its picking up momentum with other indigenous nations around the world & hoping it cuts our country ties from the UN as nz government de facto has our country under the UN jurisdiction as we are one of the 194 countries under them. Also we dont want to support Israel war crimes like Luxon & Australia they will makes us targets if luxon carrys on with his Australia friend it’s a white illegal war upon indigenous & the world & the UN is not for us at all & the other countries not under the United nations didnt have covid because they never reported any covids. Covid cases in those others countries were covid case: 0. Hopefully exit stage right & for us to become a member nation of BRICS instead of us being a member nation to & under corrupt government defactos of the united nations & they use us like guinea pigs & there entertainment. Why should our country pay the price of everything going up in inflation, taxation, export & trades, housing, gas oil etc because of the UN, US Israel, British, Australia & EU, UK genocidal agendas & its usurpers white wars doing this to the rest of the world our county & people pay the price for there illegal white only wars which is creating the intergovernmental member nations formation & how beautiful itll stop the UN & there white allies because the indigenous nations around the world wont back UN,US, UK,Israel, British Australia & nz government defacto support of warmongers & Maori wont support usurper Christopher luxon against other indigenous member nations. So any feedback about this be so so much appreciated. Because I would love to register as a Whakaputanga o Nu Tireni Aotearoa member into BRICS because luxons support to this illegal white wars is going to our country & our Maori people blown up & Luxon is not Maori & he is definitely not a sovereign hes a cultist like them or how do we get luxon out of government he should not be running controlling our Maori people its corrupt & hes a usurper

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      These are significant issues where our Wakaminenga National Congress make decisions – it issues like these that will go to the members via referendum before any decision is made. The BRICS certainly reflect the principles of He Wakaputanga and our tikanga of tika, pono me te aroha.

      The debt that you speak of does not belong to Te Wakaminenga National Congress of fhe United Tribes and Peoples of Nu Tireni NZ, under our He Wakaputanga jurisdiction. The debt belongs solely to the false NZ Crown who unlawfully created in in their economy, they will have to pay for it. Thier plan to to sell out our resources and land to Blackrock will be halted via native land title which still covers all the territories of New Zealand – read article 2 of He Wakaputanga. The soveriengn powers and authority of Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga or the Wakaminenga National Congress have never been extinguished and are therefore still applicable today. The new He Wakaputanga economy will start off debt free with all our resources and lands under their powers and authority. It is important that members form their local Wakaminenga so they can choose who will be their representative to sit in the Wakaminenga National Congress to make important National decisions. Any enquiries, email

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