From reading the latest pandemic plan released by the NZ government ministry of health (MOH) the message to New Zealanders is pandemics will become a way of life since the Covid 19 “outbreak”. Obviously with the experience of Covid 19 for many find this approach to be unfounded and unnecessary in light of the evidence that Covid 19 had a 99.997% recovery rate. They have prepared “a pandemic plan that will be applied to influenza and coronaviruses and to any other respiratory illnesses and other diseases with pandemic potential ( New Zealand Pandemic Plan: (A Framework for Action 2024). The plan casts a wide net in terms what illnesses or diseases that can be defined as having pandemic potential. The NZ government ministry of health recently released its plan for pandemic preparedness ahead of two significant international meetings planned for September, October and US election in November. All evidence points to the Bird Flu being the next pandemic announcement.
Major Concern Ways Controlling spread of pandemic include, quarantine, legislation, apply International Health Regulations, restrictions on travel land sea and air’
New Zealand Pandemic Plan: A framework for action (
The plan outlines draconian control and enforcement measures impacting your sovereign human rights, such as more mRNA treatment mandates, powers to administer treatment if person refuses, powers to detain and administer treatment if person refuses, border controls on travel and buyin to International Health Regulations passed in May 2024 by the WHO Health Assembly. Wakaminenga Maori Government is keen to know the outcomes of the WHO meetings in September, October and November 5 US elections. We are advancing our own pandemic planning for members that will be published at an appropriate time. In the meantime we recommend our WMG emergency kit to ensure you are prepared for pandemic announcements or other serious emergencies.
I am beyond words how they can suspend democracy and all human rights ? can this be challenged ?
Beyond belief that thse peope believe that we have NO human rights other than those they subject us to. A real slave mentality where they can wipe out our freedoms. As we learnt from the last pandemic those controlling “us” are not subjected to the same rules and regulations and appear to have rights over and above that of other humans. INCREDIBLE.
That leads me to believe that pandemics are not what we are led to believe they are, and we are no more than slaves because that is the way their leadership model operates, You will be forced vaxxed and what ever happenes to you – is. of no concern to us as you are at our mercy and beneath us and have no rights other than what we give you.
Disgusting attitude / appalling.
First and foremost, as Aotearoa is an independent state, does this Government acknowledge this and whose jurisdiction we come under?
Tena koe Haki
Which government are your referring to. If you are referring to the NZ government, in 2014 they recognised through the Waitangi Tibunal that the Chiefs never ceded soereignty, from the inquiry of Te Paparahi o Te Raki, Ngapuhi treaty claim 1040, therefore Aotearoa Nu Tireni’s true independence only comes via the sovereign Chiefs of the Confederation or Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga, who hold it in trust for our nation, article 2 He Wakaputanga 1835.
Unbelievable! From one tyranny to the next! This is worse than Labour.
Doesn’t look like we have a say at all the overeach of power is unbelievable. What does or how does WMG protect us from these draconian measures?
Kia ora Kathleen
WMG advised in our newsletter that our pandemic planning will be notified to members at the appropriate time.
This is Treachery!! People must not allow this to eventuate!! It’s a total abuse of our Human right to freedom. Of choice!!!