If you are looking to go to Waitangi to commemorate Nu Tireni, New Zealand’s only lawful constitution, there are a number of hui (meetings) for those who uphold and honour He Wakaputanga from 26- 28 October. We apologise for the late publication. See program below article. The main day is 28 October that commemorates the signing of He Wakaputanga, Declaration of Independence by the Chiefs declaring their sovereign powers and authority over Nu Tireni, New Zealand and their intention to establish formal government, to unite the tribes and settlers arriving in New Zealand. So it remains a contentious issue that five years later, the British Crown overrode this constitutional arrangement and inserted themselves over the top of the Chiefs jurisdictiion by means of the The Treaty, Te Tiriti, causing war, displacement, poverty and disparity upon the sovereign native nation that also included settlers who had settled under the Chiefs’ sovereign jurisdiction in peace. Te Tiriti created a two tier authority one of the British Crown who governed the settlers and the Chiefs’ who held sovereignty over their lands and made laws for their own tribes or hapu. It was a recipe for conflict that remains to this day. Under He Wakaputanga there was only one authority or one jurisdiction held absolutely and exclusively by the Chiefs and Leader of Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga of the United Tribes/Peoples of Nu Tireni, New Zealand;
He Wakaputanga 1835 article 2 holds that sovereignty in New Zealand is “………..declared to reside entirely and exclusively in the hereditary chiefs and heads of tribes in their collective capacity who also declare that they will not permit any legislative authority separate from themselves in their collective capacity to exist, nor any function of government to be exercised within the said territories (of NZ added) unless by persons appointed by them, and acting under the authority of laws regularly enacted by them in Congress assembled.”
Since the signing of Te Tiriti in 1840 injustices have occurred and are still occurring. The Covid 19 “pandemic” caused many New Zealanders to question their rights having lost their livelihoods because they refused to comply with the Covid 19 mandates and others suffered injuries and harm from taking the mRNA bio-weapon. They have sought refuge in the He Wakaputanga jurisdiction that upholds their human rights, health sovereignty and the right to create an alternative society free of coercion and restriction, false pandemics, depopulation, debt slavery, social credit score cards, zero carbon environmental targets, reintroduction of GMOs, attacks on freedom of speech, imposing transgender ideology, attacks on parental rights, attacks on the traditional Christian beliefs and values and more.
Aproximately 800,000 New Zealanders refused to take the “jab” others took one and others two . Others were injured and others lost loved ones. It is this demographic that will benefit most from transitioning to the He Wakaputanga jurisdiction that provides for justice and protection and a free and fair society. Members of Wakaminenga Maori Government should encourage friends and family to transition to the He Wakaputanga jurisdiction the more that transition the more New Zealanders empower themselves against the threat of globalist communist control that is being implemented by the Deep State within Western governments including the defacto New Zealand government under the control of the United Nations, World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation.
Below is a program of events in Waitangi sent to the Wakaminenga Maori Government that is open to all who wish to commemorate He Wakaputanga in honour and uphold its significance as our first nation law declared by the Chiefs to establish formal governance in Nu Tireni, New Zealand.

It is disappointing that members are notified of the hui to take place in Waitangi.
It is Saturday 26th October, and receiving notification.
Disappointed that I only just found out about the hui. But I will bust my gut to get to Waitangi for the 27th and 28th October wananga. Thank you for letting us know it is happening none the less.
Kia Ora Koutou Koutoa
Kakite Apopo.
Thankyou my awesome govt and God bless us all with success 👍🏻✨❤️
Poorly advertised how are we supposed to support such an important event when we’ve been given little notice?
We apologise for the error, our resources are sometines limited to meet the demands as this work is done on a voluntary basis.