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Annual Wakaminenga Maori Government Hui/Symposium – 13 January 2024

Topic: Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga of the United Tribes/People of Nu Tireni Governing Body of the Peoples of New Zealand in Accordance with He Wakaputanga

Invitation to All Members!

Many questions are raised about this august governing body of Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga, cited in He Wakaputanga as the sovereign (kingitanga) representative of Nu Tireni – known today as Te Wakaminenga National Congress. The Wakaminenga National Congress has evolved out of the original Chiefs and Heads of Tribes known as Te Wakaminenga of the United Tribes of Nu Tireni – New Zealand who signed He Wakaputanga 1835, The Declaration of Independence.

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12 thoughts on “Annual Wakaminenga Maori Government Hui/Symposium – 13 January 2024”

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Kia ora Chiman

      Thank you for you apologies. We hope we will get some recorded highlights of the conference, not as yet confirmed.

  1. Kia ora Whanau,

    Please RSVP myself for the Wakameninga SYMP24 hui Jan 2024.

    I will let you know once my deposit for the hui has been deposited.

    Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me.

    Ngaa mihi, Nathan Morgan.

    Sent from Proton Mail mobile

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Tena koe Nate

      Your ticket has been confirmed for the Annual WMG Hui/Symposium – We look forward to seeing you there. Nau mai haere mai.

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Tena koe Rick

      Two tickets have been confirmed for your attendance to the Annual WMG Hui/Symposium – We look forward to seeing you there. Naumai, welcome.

  2. Kia ora Chairman,
    I would like a ticket to attend the National Hui Symposium please.

    Ngaa manaakitanga

    1. Ripekatangi Georgina Job

      Tena koe Rangihutia

      We confirm one ticket for your attendence to the WMG hui/symposium. For Early bird $55 up to 23 December and $65 up to 5 January 2024. Please deposit with your name to WMG 38 9003 0244220 02 Ref SYMP24. We look for to seeing you there, naumai haere mai.

  3. Sorry, I thought I had booked a seat at the hui, I hope Im not too late, as I would love to attend
    kind regards

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