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Wakaminenga National Congress Gathering 13 and 14 July 2024.

Leaders Summit 13 July

Invitations were sent in May to He Wakaputanga rangatira and leaders to gather from all parts of the country for the Wakaminenga National Congress. The purpose is to seek their support and commitment to revitalise and reinvigorate the original constitutional governance arrangements for New Zealand that were declared in 1835 under the constitution of He Wakaputanga. While this body has existed for many years and has met regularly in Waitangi, its purpose to expand to the rest of New Zealand has not been fully realised. The Declaration of Independence He Wakaputanga 1835 specific purpose was to usher in settled governance between tangata whenua Maori and settlers coming into New Zealand to live and trade. Further He Wakaputanga would preserve and protect New Zealand’s sovereignty and our human rights and to prepare our country for participation in national and international trade under the mantle of the United Tribes or Peoples of New Zealand and under the laws of Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga or The Wakaminenga National Congress of Nu Tireni New Zealand as it is known today comprised of rangatira and leaders chosen by their hapu and communities to form this governance body. Added to this is the formation of regional governance bodies whose function is to develop independent state government to manage regional economic and social development within their areas in alignment with the goals of He Wakaputanga. It is from these regional state governing bodies that rangatira and leaders of the National Congress are chosen by the people residing in their respective areas. The Leaders Summit aims to further consolidate and strengthen the true government of New Zealand that was dismantled in 1840 by the British Crown via the Treaty or Te Tiriti o Waitangi, an unlawful act committed, to attempt to take sovereignty from New Zealand that plunged our country into division and warfare exposing our country to globalist interference without constitutional protection as opposed to He Wakaputanga that promotes unification and equality for al. The true role of the British Crown was to protect New Zealand from any attempt by foreigners to take our sovereignty. If you are a leading proponent or voice for the revitalisation and reinvigoration of our true constitutional laws and interested in being part of Wakaminenga National Congress or to support, and wish to attend the Leaders’ Summit, please see our invitation here.

Business Conference 14 July

The Business Conference will focus on trade and industry and supporting allied services, sustainable funding and the advantages of doing business under our constitutional law of He Wakaputanga. Besides examining the New Zealand business, international presenters will be present to share their knowledge of established trading systems not controlled by monopolistic global corporations as is the present situation. If you are in business or allied support services and you are interested in attending, please see the invitation link above.

3 thoughts on “Wakaminenga National Congress Gathering 13 and 14 July 2024.”

  1. please accept my apologies for attendance. I will be out of the country at this time. I am keen to be informed of follow up developments. nga mihi janet

  2. Can we come for whakarongo korero for business ideas as i am wanting to start business in my community for Atua Rongoa products for myself and my family and and my people community and for all and using elements of nature to enhance my healing products

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