Tena koutou – Dear Members,
Our bank account is depleted. We are appealing to you for donations to sustain our vital work for the restoration of justice and freedom for all in Nu Tireni New Zealand who want it. Will you help? Can you help?
We have completed the first lot of trials and have more to do. The trial for the ex Labour Leader is about to commence and also will include, high level scientists and health professionals who coerced the public to take the toxic mRNA gene therapy. These trials cost time and resource with a few working late nights and early mornings.
Funds are needed for IT management, professional and legal support, Administration overheads, postage, power, internet, applications, programs and videos.
Our latest project is helping communities to form their Wakaminenga governance structures and processes and bringing on new members. We have appointed one of our officers to do this task. He will be reaching out to you for help to increase our membership. All of all these resources and actions are needed to restore our freedoms and human rights.
Our appeal is for the month of November 2023 – for $20, $50 or whatever is affordable – Please deposit to our donation account : Wakaminenga 38-9003-0244220-00 REF NovAppeal. We thank you in advance for supporting this appeal.
Much gratitude as always to members who continue to give regularly, it is truly appreciated by your Wakaminenga Maori Government team. We also gratefully acknowledge the God’s divine hand on our work.
We are now working with international organisations such as the Child Health Foundation (CHD). Our first international interview with Arikinui and the Child Health Foundation will be published on 30 October 2023. They have expressed how fortunate we are to have He Wakaputanga. We are also engaging for a new justice and freedom alliance with other sovereign countries, to push the UN/WEF and WHO to the side. Time zones mean late night and early morning Zooms. We must reach beyond our own borders to help others and help ourselves. The feedback coming in from international platforms tells us we are influencing beyond our borders.

Dr Ana Mihalcea, a well known humanitarian, mentions us in her Substack platform – https://substack.com/inbox/post/138237147
Arikinui Ripekatangi Leader of WMG hopes you were all able to acknowledge and commemorate He Wakaputanga 1835 Independence Day. Please see our video of Arikinui’s statement and special announcement regarding mRNA therapies. Wakaminenga Maori government has passed an Order in Council to place a Rahui (ban) on all mRNA gene therapy technology commencing 17 October 2023. Please see our Judicial Updates for a copy of the Rahui and our Trial summaries reports.
Nga manaakitanga o te Kaihanga – God’s Blessings to All. Te Kaituhi – Editor
Te Purongo
On our way to Freedom.