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Pandemic Manufactured

Are you ready for the next false pandemic and ongoing pandemics that the WHO plans to unleash on us? The New Zealand Government has fully bought into the WHO public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), announced in August 2024, and has already ordered the bioweapon (Dr David Martin – “any vaccine synthetically derived is a bioweapon”), part of complying with the PHEIC announcement. The New Zealand Government also responded by publishing their pandemic plan and the legislation that will used to enforce compliance. International social media commentators are shocked at the draconian measures published in the New Zealand pandemic plan one of the first to be released after WHO made the pandemic announcement.

The latest pandemic scare is “mpox” or “monkey pox clade I”, a disease that is avoidable and recoverable from. Mpox is mainly concentrated in males who have sex with other males and multi male partners, this demographic occupies 99 percent of cases.

With the recent announcements by WHO of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) based on the mpox outbreak in the Congo we are reminded of what happened in 2020, suffice to say it is not necessary to regurgitate the whole of that experience however it is important for members, whanau and families to reflect on the experience. With your sovereign rights protected under New Zealand’s unextinguished law of He Wakaputanga we need to know how to utilise and assert these against attempts to coerce or enforce us to partake of these toxic treatments that we have the right to refuse.

The New Zealand government is fully committed to comply with world wide pandemic announcements and has already published its interim pandemic plan in the wake of the announcement. It was noted by international social media commentators that the New Zealand government was quick off the mark to publish its pandemic plan and were shocked at the draconian legislation that can be employed to enforce compliance for the uptake of a derived “bioweapon” for any disease that meets the following criteria;

Any pandemic of respiratory infection characterised primarily by “airborne transmission, irrespective of the aetiological pathogen and its severity. The plan has been with influenza and coronaviruses primarily in mind, but it is broadly applicable to other respiratory illnesses, and, as long as pathogen-specific considerations are accounted for, may also apply to other diseases with pandemic potential. However the New Zealand Pandemic Plan is of less relevance to pandemics in which spread is predominantly by the faecal-oral route, sexual contact, blood-borne transmission or disease vectors such as mosquitoes, although some components may be applicable.” It is a very wide swathe.

It does beg the question why has mpox a mainly sexually transmitted disease been announced as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)?

New Zealand Pandemic Plan: A framework for action ( We recommend reading, pages 74 – 76, 82-84 on managing cases identified as diseases covered by the PHEIC by invoking emergency powers . As those who have sought protection under the sovereign jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga this supersedes any New Zealand government legislation. However many members will be wanting to know how do we protect ourselves from coerced and enforced treatments.

Wakaminenga Maori Government (WMG) thinks this calls for an urgent meeting for our membership and therefore we are calling an online Wakaminenga National Congress of leaders and members to share thoughts on the situation and how we can be prepared to manage ourselves under these draconian measures that can be enforced by the New Zealand government using their pandemic emergency powers framework. The worse case scenario is when people are detained and released only when they have been injected.

Wakaminenga National Congress Online Pandemic Planning Conference Wakaminenga

Rangatira, Leaders, Members

Saturday and Sunday, 21 & 22 September, 2024 at 11am – 2pm.

Email with your name and the day you wish to attend

A $10 per person fee is payable to receive the online link

Please pay to Kiwibank 38 9003 0244220 02 with your name and or Tangata ID number and use the reference: pandmc24



7 thoughts on “Pandemic Manufactured”

  1. Keeping cash alive is paramount to stopping enslavement…doing everything online puts us right where they want us!

    1. Youre wrong about that.
      Cash IS the slavery system.
      Its currently being removed and we will no longer be debt slaves as all our kiwi assets (eg gold, oil, gas etc) will back our new ‘currency’.
      Nearly there.
      Take heart and have hope. Every little things gonna be alright. Not much longer now.
      God bless you.

    2. The politicians are puppers who can’t think for themselves.
      They’re shameful and should ALL resign unless they put the good of the people first.
      Going around jabbing people with a bio weapon certainly isn’t putting the good of anyone but the pharmaceutical companies first!
      Dr David Martin is right as are his colleagues.
      When you’re talking of Nobel Prize winning Drs or/and nominees saying the same thing,then it’s time politicians and wannabe Drs in NZ listened to them,but of course politicians know more about medicine and health than that calibre of Dr right?
      I’ve got a word for people like that,but I’ll be a lady and not use it!
      I hope these politicians get to see our comments.
      It sounds as though they’re no better than the communists we got rid of last year!

  2. I joined the New Zealand 🇳🇿 Māori Government because my sovereignty and my whānau sovereignty needs to be protected and the 1835 declaration of independence is the only lore that I will abide by NOT the maritime law imposed by the Colonialists or this Government.

  3. Does anyone in the north island have any organic grapefruit they can box up and send to the south island please?

  4. Do we have a rongoa expert amongst us who can give step by step instructions on how to prepare things for themselves and their whānau?

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