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Increasing our membership by sharing the Promises of He Wakaputanga.

Are you talking to family, friends, neighbours, workmates and business contacts about the reset that is possible under our unextinguished constitution of He Wakaputanga 1835, the Declaration of Independence that protects our individual and collective sovereign rights, that provides for a free and fair society that upholds our human rights and private property rights? In 1835 our national sovereignty and independence was declared by the Chiefs of the United Tribes or Peoples of Nu Tireni and recognised internationally. This sovereign arrangement remains in place and is known today as the Te Wakaminenga National Congress comprised of Rangatira and leaders chosen by their Hapu or community to represent their interests at this national level.

Under this arrangement it is possible to establish local independent governance without central government interference and overreach. The principles of tika, pono and aroha or correctness, honour and compassion – or in other words, love your neighbour as yourself – is central to our constitutional law of He Wakaputanga. So whether you take care of the home, run a business, are employed or retired these principles will affect how we interact with each other to create a society of peace and good order, and abundance for all, an enduring gift to pass on to future generations.

The Alternative

Contrast the positive aspirations above with what has been happening since 1840. New Zealand’s sovereignty and protection under He Wakaputanga was dismantled by the British Crown for the defacto New Zealand government to govern under “acquired sovereignty” (unlawful sovereignty) under admiralty law, the law of the sea, corporate law. Historical crimes against tangata whenua Maori remain unresolved. In recent times the Covid 19 crimes exposed by the Wakaminenga Maori Government in our Sovereign Te Kooti Wakanga Court of Justice prosecuted the 53rd Parliament of New Zealand 2020-2023 for breaches against He Wakaputanga and serious crimes against New Zealanders causing harm and death with further prosecutions for crimes against humanity are pending. The New Zealand Government has bought into the globalist agenda of control. Health is the main area of control where WHO manufactured pandemics will give unbridled powers to governments to unlawfully impose mRNA derived toxic bio weapon treatments upon their populations taking away our health sovereignty to achieve depopulation goals. Climate change, centralised digital banking currency (CDBC), transgenderism, co-governance, culling of millions of chickens and cows on the pretense of a bird flu pandemic all serve to entrench us under a totalitarian, fascist regime carried out by one world globalist government. These are the reasons many of you have transitioned to the true constitutional jurisdiction of Nu Tireni New Zealand to be free, safe and protected and establish a truly united country with opportunity for all.

Spread the Word

Spread the word, build our membership, let your family, friends, neighbours, workmates and business contacts know that we do not have to accept the status quo, that through asserting our rights under our true constitutional law of He Wakaputanga we can change the disastrous direction we have been forced into. Have you updated your membership on the Wakaminenga Maori Government website? By doing this you will have full access to news and membership information such as how to protect your land with Whenua Rangatira land protection title, exclusive information on trade and industry, health and justice and how to touch base with our membership around New Zealand and much much more. If you have issues with registering on the website contact for assistance.

5 thoughts on “Membership”

  1. how to protect your land with Whenua Rangatira land protection title,
    Could i have some more info on this subject, Please.

    1. Kia ora, Gary,

      If you’re enrolled, you can access the full website. Click on the tab Information and Resource and look down the list and you’ll see Whenua Rangatira Land Protection. Click on that and it will take you to the page where you can register your land under the protections of He Wakaputanga. You’ll have to get the original land title (or a copy) from LINZ – who are now under the Auckland City Council. There will be a cost and you may have to go through a lawyer.

      It costs $50 for our service to cover the time. If you’re not enrolled, it’s free to enroll. It’s very straightforward but makes it simpler if you have the photo of any photo ID (drivers licence, passport) and a good head-and-shoulders selfie to upload.

      We are not funded by any bureaucracy or corporation but by donations and the services we offer – like land registry and ID cards.

      I hope this helps. If you have any issues with enrolling (if you’re not enrolled), email for assistance. Nga mihi

  2. Kia Ora WMG i have a question regarding if we as Maori have joined the BRICS beautiful nations as our alliances in worldly affairs that could affect us as Maori and our tikangas & country club n world affairs or politics

  3. Hi Team, I have read through your site here, I’m interested to know more and what I can do to help us save our people and our whenua.

    1. Arikinui Ripekatangi

      Kia ora Adam

      If you could contact we could discuss what area of Wakaminenga Maori Government you would like to support such as, Tiaki Hauora- health protection , Matauranga – experiential learning, Ture tiakitanga – law and protection, Te Kooti Wakanga -sovererign Court of Justice, Currency and banking, Whenua Rangatira, land retention and protection, IT development, Trade and Industry and Agriculature, Media and Communiations. As we continue to develop. more support and advice services will be added to assist communities to implement self governing systems that will benefit them and not be a cash cows for the defacto government and councils to collect taxes and rates from.

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