Firstly, nga mihi mo te Raumati whanau huinga hari me Te Tau Hou 2025, Season’s Greetings to All happy family gatherings and a happy New Year for 2025.
In November 2024, the Wakaminenga Maori Government launched an alternative trading platform that enables members to buy and sell from other members and businesses who have also join the trading platform. It is fully independent with its own regulatory framework in accordance with New Zealand’s founding unextinguished constitution of He Wakaputanga 1835, Declaration of Independence.
The Lawful Right to Trade
The lawful right to trade in the He Wakaputanga jurisdiction was established upon the sovereign law of the Chiefs of Nu Tireni New Zealand in Waitangi, Tai Tokerau whereby they declared to the world in 1835, their sole sovereignty, powers and authority over their lands and resources, declaring in article one (1) of He Wakaputanga
We the absolute leaders of the tribes (iwi) of New Zealand (Nu Tireni) to the North of Hauraki (Thames having assembled in the Bay of Islands (Tokerau) on 28th October 1835. We declare the authority and leadershiip of our country and say and declare them to be a prosperous economy and chiefly country (Wenua Rangatira) under the title of ” Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu o Nu Tireni ” ( The sacred Confederation of the Tribes/ Peoples of New Zealand), in Maori, “Ko matou ko nga Tino Rangatira o nga iwi o Nu Tireni i raro mai Hauraki kua oti nei te huihui i Waitangi i Tokerau 28 o Oketopa, 1835. ka wakaputa (declare) i te Rangatiratanga (sovereignty) o to matou wenua a ka meatia ka wakaputaia e matou he Wenua Rangatira kia huaina, ‘Ko te Wakaminenga o nga Hapu o Nu Tireni.”
Prior to the Declaration they inaugurated their own sovereign flag on March 20 1834 at Maiki Hill, Kororareka (Russell) known as the Confederation flag of the Chiefs of New Zealand. The flag symbolised their country and the right to ply their vessels (ships) for trade within the British Commonwealth where their flag was recognised. No other law could supersede their sovereignty despite the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi /Te Tiriti Waitangi being used to justify the eventual usurpation of the Chiefs’ sovereign authority and powers by the British Crown and later the New Zealand defacto Government. It is upon the original law of the Chiefs of the Confederation of New Zealand that the Wakaminenga Maori Government has established Tikanga Trade, free from any imposition or impediments of the New Zealand defacto government or any other foreign powers.
Freedom Enhanced By A Free Market Economy
From Wakaminenga Maori Government’s legal advisor, “When authoritarian regimes assert their dominance, one of the areas they can have greatest impact is through restricting access to a free market economy.
During COVID, mandates and other coercive measures were used to limit access to goods and services to force uptake of the mRNA ‘vaccines’. Economic hardship followed on from lockdowns and many businesses have not yet fully recovered. Increasingly there is a threat of a repetition of all the COVID measures plus more this time to deal with Bird Flu.
To be ready, the Wakaminenga Maori Government has developed the means for people within the jurisdiction founded on He Wakaputanga to trade freely between each other.
This is through use of the Tikanga Trade System.
Why An Alternative Trading Platform
The colonial New Zealand government has unlawfully controlled trade for the last 184 years as well as all the rules and regulations that accompany trade within an economy, that controls every aspect of our lives, much of it to the detriment of not only the Maori indigenous nation but as well to the descendants of the settlers or immigrants who now identify as New Zealanders, kiwi, or Pakeha. The Wakaminenga Maori Government has provided the lawful living men and women of Nu Tireni NZ the opportunity to migrate to the original jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga to trade and live their lives in freedom and peace with responsibility. That means less regulation but more personal responsibility. It also means that if you are receiving most of your income (a benefit of Tikanga Trade), you and your community can decide on what surplus of that income can be spent regarding government spending on infrastructure and social services. Unlike that which confronts us today, where an environmental tax is imposed on every business as well as planned false pandemics that don’t justify the increased costs to consumers but in fact have caused much suffering over the 2020 -2023 . The effects from injuries, deaths and mandates are ongoing. False claims by the globalists we will have to live with pandemics, climate change, censorship, centralised banking, highly surveilled communities (15 minute cities), transgender ideology, mRNA GMO synthetic proliferation to reduce carbon emissions through the food chain (including threats to farmers if they don’t comply) Gene Technology Bill — First Reading – New Zealand Parliament. The bird flu has been in bird populations for 100s of years and is now being used as a threat, with millions of chickens being slaughtered. Where one chicken farm in Iowa recently identified bird flu. millions of other chickens were culled, The claim that bird flu will jump from chickens, to cattle, to humans is blatantly false and has everything to do with the false climate claim narrative since history does not support such a claim.
Banking and Currency
A separate sovereign banking system and sovereign currency (Nu Tireni Moni or NTMs) plus the rules of its administration that supports the new economic ecology of Tikanga Trade has been established. Te Kooti Wakanganui Hohou Te Rongo, the Supreme Court of Restorative Justice established June 17 2023, is available for any disputes that may arise. In the meantime both the He Wakaputanga economic system of Tikanga Trade and the NZ defacto government system are accessible to WMG members and businesses who have enrolled with with Wakaminenga Maori Government. Take a look around, encourage family, friends and business owners to join this exciting initiative.
Click here to go to the Tikanga Trade website. You can register as a user (to view business listings only) or a business (to list your business) or both. The registration page is on this website here: Tikanga Trade Application Form
Thankyou my awesome government and God bless everyone with all His promises in your life ❤️✨
I would like to be able to trade with others
Tena koe Karyn
Please make application at Tikanga Trade on their website
Nga mihi.
Kia Ora koutou. Thank you Nu Tireni Aotearoa for your panui, and keeping members informed on strategies for growth. nga mihi
I joined up late last year (2024).
If anyone sees this and wants to connect with me my email is below: